Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

Because ants are small, all too often it is understandable that home and business owners may underestimate the insect’s ability to infiltrate a building as well as inhabit the yard and landscaping and become an infestation. Once an ant colony is established, the tiny insects are not only a nuisance, but can also threaten the health and safety of your home.

Ant Species in Hawaii

There are over 50 species of ants found in Hawaii. Some of the most common are the Argentine ant, ghost ant, carpenter ant, big-headed ant, tropical fire ant, and the long-legged ant. Each has its own characteristics when it comes to size, color, food and nesting preferences, and defense tactics.

For example, the big-headed ant is an opportunist as it feeds on crumbs, food left out on the kitchen counter, insects, and plants, while long-legged ants prefer citrus and plants, so their colonies are primarily outdoors. Argentine ants have a varied menu ranging from sweet drinks left unattended to your pet’s food. Ghost ants are also drawn to sweet items when indoors. Outdoors, ghost ants feed on honeydew gathered by insects.

Many ant species do not bite. This is not true for the tropical fire ant. This fast-moving ant is a ground nester that reacts with painful stings directed at humans and animals whenever their nest is disturbed.

Carpenter ants are attracted to wet or moist wood where they will chew tunnels to create an area for their colonyโ€™s nest. These channels weaken the structural integrity of the wood and can be problematic to your home or businesses foundational support. The damage caused by carpenter ants can cost thousands of dollars to repair.

 If they feel the nest is distrubed, they may sting and spray formic acid into the bitten area, which enhances the level of pain. For those allergic to the venom, stings from a tropical fire and or carpenter ant can be dangerous.

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Controlling Ant Infestations

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

There are several options for eliminating ant infestations, such as bait traps, sprays and liquids, repellents, and natural remedies. Whether you choose over-the-counter products or make your own, getting rid of an ant infestation is not an easy task.

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

Ants may enter a home or business through cracks, holes, and crevices in search of food and water sources. While searching, scout ants leave behind a pheromone trail for other ants to follow. The ants can then transport food back and forth along these scented trails to the main colony.

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

Ants with established colonies outdoors create a network of passageways for other ants to enter and exit. Colonies vary in size, with some species supporting one queen and many worker ants, to colonies with multiple queens and thousands of workers. Some of the larger colonies can even extend outside of your property line.

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

There are several options for eliminating ant infestations, such as bait traps, sprays and liquids, Using ant control sprays and products may work in elimitaing some of the ants, but, if the product isn’t applied at the source, the colony comprised of hundreds or thousands of ants can continue to invade the home or business searching for food. It is also possible that by only partially eliminating a colony, the queen and workers will move the remaining colony to another location closeby which starts the infestation cycle again.

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

When faced with an ant infestation, contacting a professional pest control company is a plan of action you can count on. With an ant control plan from Sandiwch Isle Pest Solutions property owners can expect an in-depth inspection of the area, the use of specialized products and equipment, and proper placement of treatments. Each of these steps is carried out by experienced and well-qualified technicians.

Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

Contacting Professionals

For ant control you can count on, contact our staff at Sandwich Isle Pest solutions. Our company has been providing quality pest control to our valued customers since 1997. Whether our services are needed for residential or commercial pest control, our experienced technicians provide thorough inspections, develop a customized plan, then apply efficient treatments to eliminate the pest problem. Contact us today to request a free consultation.

Ant Control Professional Pest Control Services in Pearl City HI

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